Hearing Aid Accessories

Phonak Roger

Hearing loss is a common problem that many people face as they age or due to exposure to loud noises. If you’re experiencing hearing loss, you’re not alone. Fortunately, there are solutions that can help improve your hearing and quality of life. One such solution is the use of hearing aids, which can be further enhanced with the use of hearing aid accessories. At our hearing practice, we believe that investing in high-quality accessories can make a significant difference in your overall hearing experience. In this article, we’ll explore some of the ways hearing aid accessories can benefit you.

Rechargeable batteries

One of the most popular hearing aid accessories is rechargeable batteries. Instead of constantly buying and replacing disposable batteries, rechargeable batteries are a more cost-effective and eco-friendly option. They can also save you the hassle of carrying extra batteries around with you wherever you go. Rechargeable batteries typically last around a full day on a single charge, but some can last even longer.

Cleaning kits

Regular cleaning of your hearing aids is essential to ensure they function optimally and last longer. Cleaning kits can help remove earwax and other debris that can accumulate in your hearing aids. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when cleaning your hearing aids to avoid damaging them.

Remote controls

Many modern hearing aids come with remote controls that allow you to adjust the settings without having to touch the hearing aids themselves. This can be particularly useful in situations where you need to adjust the volume discreetly, such as during meetings or social events. Some remote controls also have additional features like the ability to switch between programs or adjust the directionality of the microphones.

Directional microphones

If you frequently find yourself in noisy environments, directional microphones can help you hear more clearly. They work by focusing on sounds coming from a specific direction, such as the person speaking to you while minimizing background noise. This can be especially helpful in situations like crowded restaurants or public transportation.

TV streamers

TV streamers allow you to wirelessly stream audio directly from your TV to your hearing aids. This can be a game-changer if you’re someone who loves to watch TV but struggles to hear the dialogue. TV streamers can also be used with other devices like smartphones or laptops, providing a convenient way to enjoy music or videos.

Who sells hearing aid accessories?

Many hearing aid manufacturers offer a variety of accessories that are designed to work seamlessly with their hearing aids. Here are some examples of hearing aid manufacturers and the accessories they offer:

Phonak: Phonak offers a wide range of accessories for their hearing aids, including remote controls, TV streamers, wireless microphones, and smartphone apps that allow users to control their hearing aids directly from their phones.

Oticon: Oticon offers accessories such as remote controls, TV streamers, wireless microphones, and smartphone apps that can help users control their hearing aids, adjust the volume, and change programs.

Widex: Widex sells a variety of accessories such as remote controls, TV streamers, wireless microphones, and smartphone apps that allow users to adjust their hearing aids directly from their phones.

ReSound: ReSound offers a range of accessories, including remote controls, TV streamers, wireless microphones, and smartphone apps that allow users to adjust their hearing aids, stream music, and phone calls directly to their hearing aids, and even find lost hearing aids using their phone.

Signia: Signia offers accessories such as remote controls, TV streamers, wireless microphones, and smartphone apps that allow users to control their hearing aids, adjust volume, and change programs.

Starkey: Starkey sells a range of accessories, including remote controls, TV streamers, wireless microphones, and smartphone apps that allow users to control their hearing aids, and stream music, and phone calls directly to their hearing aids.

It’s important to note that the accessories offered by each manufacturer may vary depending on the hearing aid model, so it’s always best to consult with a hearing care professional or the manufacturer to ensure compatibility.

At our hearing practice, we understand that choosing the right hearing aid accessories can be overwhelming. That’s why we recommend consulting with our hearing professionals to determine which accessories are best suited to your hearing needs and lifestyle. Our team can provide personalized advice on how to properly use and maintain your hearing aid accessories for optimal results. By incorporating high-quality accessories into your hearing care routine, you can enjoy a better listening experience and improved quality of life.

In conclusion, hearing aid accessories can greatly enhance your overall hearing experience. From rechargeable batteries to TV streamers, the right accessories can make a significant difference in your daily life. At our hearing practice, we’re committed to helping you find the right solutions for your hearing needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.