All About Tinnitus

woman with tinnitus visualized

Tinnitus is a common condition that affects many people, and it can be a frustrating and stressful experience. For those living in bustling cities, the constant noise exposure can make tinnitus symptoms even more difficult to manage.


Tinnitus is caused by a variety of factors, including noise-induced hearing loss, ototoxicity (toxicity to the ear), age-related hearing loss, head or neck injuries, and other medical conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Noise-induced hearing loss is particularly common among those who live in the city, who are constantly exposed to loud noises in the city, from traffic and construction to subway and sirens. These sounds can damage the ears over time, leading to tinnitus.

The link between hearing loss and tinnitus

There is a strong link between hearing loss and tinnitus because the two conditions often have a similar underlying cause: damage to the delicate hair cells in the inner ear. These hair cells, called cilia, are responsible for converting sound waves into electrical impulses that are sent to the brain. When these hair cells are damaged or destroyed, they can no longer function properly, leading to both hearing loss and tinnitus.

Hearing loss and tinnitus can also occur together because they share common risk factors. Exposure to loud noises is a major risk factor for both hearing loss and tinnitus. When the ears are exposed to loud noise over an extended period of time, the hair cells in the inner ear can be damaged, leading to both hearing loss and tinnitus. Other risk factors for hearing loss and tinnitus include age-related hearing loss, head or neck injuries, and certain medical conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

It is also known that tinnitus can occur as a symptom of hearing loss, when the brain is trying to compensate for the lack of sound it is receiving from the damaged hair cells in the inner ear by creating its own sounds, which can be perceived as tinnitus.


Tinnitus has no cure, but the good news is that tinnitus is a treatable condition. The first step is to see an audiologist for a thorough evaluation of your hearing. They will conduct a series of tests to assess the type and severity of your tinnitus. Additional tests may be conducted to rule out other potential causes of tinnitus, such as ear infections or tumors.

Treatment options for tinnitus vary depending on the underlying cause. For individuals with noise-induced hearing loss, avoiding loud noises and wearing hearing protection can help prevent further damage. Medications such as antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications may be prescribed to help manage symptoms of tinnitus, particularly if it is causing significant stress or sleep disturbances.

Sound therapy is another treatment option that can be helpful for some individuals. This can include white noise machines, which emit a soothing background noise, or customized sound therapy programs that are tailored to the individual’s specific type of tinnitus. Alternative therapies such as acupuncture and cognitive-behavioral therapy may also be helpful for some individuals.

In addition to medical treatments, there are lifestyle changes and coping strategies that can help manage tinnitus. These can include avoiding loud noises, reducing stress, and practicing relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation. Support groups can also be a valuable resource for those living with tinnitus.

We’re here to help you find relief. 

If you’re experiencing ringing or other noise in your ears, don’t hesitate to seek help. Tinnitus is a treatable condition, and the sooner you get a diagnosis, the better your chances of managing your symptoms and improving your quality of life.

Living with tinnitus can be challenging, but with the right treatment and support, it’s possible to manage the symptoms and get back to enjoying life. The key is to seek out the help of a qualified healthcare professional, who can help you to understand your condition, explore your treatment options, and develop an effective plan to manage your symptoms. Tinnitus may not be curable, but it can be manageable with the right approach. Contact us today.